Many women in towns and cities all over the UK, including the midlands such as Birmingham, Wolverhampton and Leicester have considered breast surgery at some point in their life.
For some, it is a niggling desire that they have had for many years. For others, it is something of a recent development due to personal body and life changes.
One of the first things people do when considering breast augmentation is research online for the pros and cons of augmentation and try to gain knowledge on every aspect of what is involved and whether the procedure is right for them.

A common hurdle that women face is gaining an insight in to what a boob job actually feels like from start to finish. And because not all women are open about cosmetic surgery, it’s sometimes difficult to research the true feelings and experiences of patients who have undergone enlargement procedures.
In addition, a lot of information that is found online is filtered and selective to suit an agenda or motive, unless the site offers genuine patient / customer reviews. But even then the information tends not to be comprehensive and to be more about the clinic and surgeon, rather than in-depth about their own experience.

- Before undergoing cosmetic surgery for breast implants, uplift or other procedures, patients usually research the ins and outs, including different types of implant – saline or silicone, incision site – where cuts and scars will be located, cost, surgeons, the details of the procedure, recovery and aftercare.
- All of this information can help you make an informed decision as you are armed with as much knowledge as possible.
- Furthermore, it is also a good idea to watch videos and view blogs online of people who have actually undergone surgery. However, whilst this adds another string to your bow, the best insight can be from speaking with people personally.
- Arrange to meet up with your friends, or try to locate people in your friendship circles who have had breast augmentation. Ask politely if they would like to meet with you to discuss their surgery.
- The difference of speaking with people personally, either people you know or those that don’t mind meeting up with you through friends-of-friends, is that they will often share raw details of their experience and engage in a discussion, which is something an online video or blog cannot deliver.

- The first step in any cosmetic surgery process is to meet with a surgeon during a consultation.
- Consultations are a great way to meet the individual person who will be performing your surgery and help you to gain details and trust. You can also learn more about the procedure and try different sized implants to see which size suits you best.
- Although you may have considered surgery for years, nothing makes it more real than sitting down with a cosmetic surgeon and discussing the procedure in detail.
- Following a consultation or two, it’s a good idea to give yourself time. This can be anything from a couple of weeks to a few months. This allows you to truly reflect on your decision and ensure it is absolutely what you want in your mind and heart.

- On the day of your surgery, it is common to feel nervous and anxious. Therefore, it is a good idea to have someone with you for support. Whilst at first you may feel like you don’t need the support, emotions and feelings can change very quickly. So having a shoulder to lean on or a hand to hold can really make a difference.
- You will have been advised on a pre-surgery plan of action by your clinic, such as no eating and to have a shower before you leave etc.
- Once in the clinic the pre-op preparation will begin and you will be administered general anaesthetic in order for your procedure to be performed. Many people report having ‘the best nap’ of their lives and simply wake up with new boobs. Others report strong feelings of anxiety moments before their operation.
- However, once the anaesthetic kicks in, you will fall slowly to sleep and won’t feel a thing.

- Your cosmetic surgeon will advise you of a recovery and aftercare plan once you wake up from your operation.
- It is normal to feel some pain immediately afterwards, but this will slowly subside during your recovery and can be controlled with medication.
- Some patients report that easy everyday tasks can be tricky – such as reaching up high to a top shelf, bending to put on items of clothing and apply light force such as opening a box.
- Most patients choose to sleep on their back in order to feel comfortable and less in pain. However, side sleeping is usually possible after a few days if you are not in discomfort.
- For discomfort and pain, strong medication can help ease symptoms. Although there are often side effects to stronger medicine such as feeling sick and light headedness.
- In regards to the feelings of your ‘new boobs’, it is common for them to feel tender and feel as though they are too high up on your chest. Often after the early recovery stage the breasts will slowly move down a touch to a more ‘normal’ and comfortable position.
- If you are the type of person who worries when they can ‘get back to normal’ then it is worth noting that immediate aftercare should take at least one week and you should take it easy during this time.
- Following this you may be able to return to work after 7 days, but avoid doing anything too strenuous such as visiting the gym. If you are worried about gaining weight during your recovery, it may be worthwhile to follow a diet plan so that you can limit your calorie intake during a period of inactivity.
- If you are athletic and have great concerns in this area, consider speaking with a personal trainer where you can receive personal post-op nutrition advice tailored to your needs.
If you are based in Birmingham and would like to know more about what it feels like to have breast surgery, speak with a member of our team on 0800 007 5860. We can arrange a FREE Consultation at a convenient time for you regardless of your location. To know more about breast augmentation surgery, please visit :
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