Other Surgical Procedures Available
Beyond the common beauty and cosmetic surgical treatments, we also provide a wide range of surgical procedures for those looking for something in particular, including:
Tummy Tuck

Abdominoplasty, commonly known as a tummy tuck, involves the removal of loose abdominal skin and fat along with tightening of the tummy muscles.
Nose Surgery

A nose job is the common name for rhinoplasty surgery. It is a cosmetic surgical procedure and remains the most common procedure in the cosmetic surgery industry.
Ear Surgery (Ottoplasty)

Pinnaplasty or correction of prominent ears is procedure to setback the ears to their natural and normal position. More commonly performed in children but correction can be done in adults.
Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Blepharoplasty is surgical procedure that aims to restore younger look of the eyes. Aging causes sagging of the lids both upper and lower due to the weakness and the loss of elasticity of the skin. Drooping of the brow can falsely show as upper lid sag.

A facelift, medically known as rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery procedure that restores the normal look of the face from the effects of ageing.