Otoplasty, also known as ear correction surgery, is one cosmetic procedure that has many questions surrounding it.
Often people are too scared to ask because it feels like they are over-committing to surgery when they are not ready to proceed.
However, cosmetic surgeons expect patients to ask questions in order to move forward and try to gain some peace of mind by eliminating the anxiety surrounding the procedure.
Therefore, if you are considering an ear correction procedure and are based around the Birmingham region, read on to find out some commonly asked questions and answers.

1. Can Ears Move Position After Otoplasty?

- Otoplasty has a high success rate in terms of results and patient satisfaction, but understandably many patients are worried about the positioning of their ears and whether they will remain in the corrected place.
- The fact is it is quite common for the ears to move position slightly after ear correction procedures. However, the movement should not be noticeable and in some cases cosmetic surgeons accommodate for this slight movement during surgery.
- Following surgery, you will be required to wear a headband 24 hours a day for up to two weeks. Then wear it only at night for up to a further six weeks. This is because the headband is part of the healing and recovery process as it helps to stop the ears from moving and assist in healing them at their new position.
- Often patients who complain with more than slight movement cut their recovery period short and stop wearing the supportive headband. The result of this is that the ears can move forward more than a few millimetres.
Therefore, it is important to keep the headband in place for the recommended time as it will benefit you in the long term.
2. Is It Possible To Reduce Ear Lobe Size?

- Ear lobe reduction is a procedure that has been readily available for many years in the UK. It is often performed as part of a facelift procedure or other ear correction procedures.
- However, it is becoming increasingly more common for patients to request cosmetic surgery on their ear lobes as a sole procedure without any other surgery.
- Ear lobe reduction can be carried out in a number of ways, but usually involves either small incisions or laser treatment to remove unwanted tissue.
3. Can Ears Be Made Smaller But Keep Their Shape?

- Ears can be made smaller with otoplasty but as each patient is different, it is difficult to keep the exact same shape as before, especially without visible scarring.
- The type of incision required to reduce the size of the ears can sometimes leave a visible scar behind the ear, which may affect the shape and alter it from its original.
- However, a good surgeon will be able to alter and reshape your ears during surgery so that they are as close as possible to their original shape, but with a reduced size.
4. Can I Continue Playing Sports After Otoplasty?
- Realistically, patients who undergo ear surgery should refrain from playing sports for up to 2-6 weeks after their surgery.
- Whilst the procedure may not seem as major as some others cosmetic surgery, the recovery stage is equally important.
- Not only will a recovery headband be required in your aftercare plan, but the risk to damaging the ears is too high.
- Depending on the type of sport you play, there is a risk of the ears being knocked, pulled or pressed, resulting in movement and pain. Any accidents can compromise the results of otoplasty long term.
5. How Far Can An Ear Be Pinned?

- An ear can be pinned to the head as much as it needs to, whilst keeping a natural look.
- A cosmetic surgeon is able to assess each patient on a case by case basis to see how much their ears need to be pinned, what the patient desires and what is realistic in order to avoid looking unnatural.
- Often ears are not always entirely symmetrical and one ear may need to be pinned further back than the other in order to achieve the new desired look.
Does All Ear Surgery Require Incisions (Cuts)?

The majority of ear surgery does require at least one small incision to be made. However, procedures that only require minimalistic incisions can only correct small amounts of deformities and are not available to all patients depending on their goals and achievements. For more details about ear correction surgery, please visit: https://dev.birminghambeautyclinic.co.uk/surgical-treatments/ear-surgery-birmingham/
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