Liposuction Birmingham

GMC Registered Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Accredited Facilities

Finance Options Available

15+ Years of Experience

GMC Registered Specialist Plastic Surgeon

Accredited Facilities

Finance Options Available

15+ Years of Experience

Liposuction Surgery (Overview)

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that is designed to remove fat from the body. Many women and men in Birmingham undergo liposuction because of its long lasting nature and proven final results.

At Birmingham Beauty Clinic, our specialist, qualified body sculpting surgeons have years of experience in using this versatile cosmetic treatment to treat many areas of the body, including; the abdomen, arms, neck, knees, hips and thighs. Liposuction can also be used to remove fat from the chest, back, chin and ankles.

Lipo (for short), can also be combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures to produce further enhanced results in both men and women, including breast surgery, tummy tuck and neck / facelift.


Liposuction is a procedure in which fat cells in the subcutaneous layer of the skin are surgically removed. It is one of the most common elective surgeries that are provided by the Birmingham Beauty Clinic. With the help of liposuction, unwanted fat cells are targeted and sucked out of the body.
A small incision is made, and the unwanted fat cells, just beneath the skin surface, are sucked with the help of a cannula. There are various methods of liposuction to choose from, which includes ultrasonic vaser, laser and wet liposuction.

Types of Liposuction (Birmingham Beauty Clinic)

Liposuction is considered a gold standard treatment for fat removal. At Birmingham Beauty Clinic we specialise in two different types of liposuction that can produce different results depending on the needs and body goals of the patient.

1. The first type of liposuction is traditional Suction Assisted Liposuction (SAL). This surgery involves a technique whereby fat is sucked out through a hollow tube (cannula) that is introduced through small incisions. The incisions are closed at the end of the surgery.

Surgery can be performed under local or general anaesthetic and may take around one to three hours to perform depending on the target areas of the body, patient preferences, surgeons preference and the volume of the areas that require liposuction.

2. The second type of liposuction that we offer here at Birmingham Beauty Clinic is Vaser Liposuction, also known as Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL). This lipo type is used in treatments for both men and women whose goal is to remove stubborn fat deposits from the body and sculpt the area in to a more defined / toned aesthetic appearance.

If you are considering liposuction in any form and live in the West Midlands / Birmingham area, you can have peace of mind of knowing that our cosmetic surgeons are highly skilled and experienced in sculpting the body and meeting patients aesthetic goals.

Who is the Ideal Candidate?​

Liposuction can be opted for by anyone who wants to get rid of excess fat cells and other methods like dieting does not seem to work anymore on them. With the help of liposuction, fat from all corners of the body can be removed, leading to the figure of your dreams. At liposuction Birmingham, anyone who is free from a debilitating illness has around 30% of their ideal body weight and lives a relatively healthy lifestyle can opt for the surgery.


Calf & Ankle Liposuction: This is the most resistant area when it comes to weight loss. Those who have fat buildup here are generally predisposed to it genetically. Calf and ankle liposuction targets these immune fat cells, making it easier to get rid of them quickly.

Abdominal or Tummy Liposuction: Tummy liposuction is one of the most popular forms of fat removal. Not only does this procedure bring about emotional well being but also help people to become physically fit. Tummy fat removal helps in the betterment of self-esteem and has been known to provide excellent results post-surgery.

Arms Liposuction: Underarm flabbiness or floppiness is very common. This generally happens because of predisposition to store fat in this area and is greatly affected by gender and age. When various exercises failed to provide you with the bicep and triceps you need, arms liposuction is the best option.

Back Liposuction: Although back liposuction is not very common, some people do feel the need for it. It is commonly used to treat the bulges and rolls that are common in the back region.

Chin Liposuction: Chin liposuction is very important for those who are suffering from low self-esteem. It provides shape and structure to the face while sculpting the area at the same time. Removing fat from this part of the face can significantly help in regaining confidence and altering one’s appearance.

Flank Liposuction: Flank fat for love handles is common in both men and women and are very easily noticeable. Without the help of liposuction, the flank fat can just get worse with age no matter what exercises you try. The growing frustration can be eradicated with the help of this simple surgery.

Buttocks Liposuction: Accumulation of fat cell in the buttocks is a very common problem associated with men and women. Everybody wants toned hips and buttocks because it is much more appealing. While it is resistant exercises, with liposuction, you can achieve this in no time at all.

Gynecomastia or Male Breast Liposuction: Male breasts or the accumulation of excess fat cells in the chest region of a man can be extremely damaging to self-confidence and esteem. Gynecomastia at Birmingham Clinic can regain consciousness by removing fat and flattening the chest region to perfection.

Liposuction of the Thighs & Legs: Having fat cells in the thighs and legs can not only be unappealing but also lead to a number of problems in the long run. Liposuction of the thighs and legs helps to provide an immediate solution to a debilitating problem

Knee Liposuction: While knee liposuction is not very popular, it helps people to achieve elegant knees. It is often accompanied by liposuction of thighs and legs.


Following a liposuction procedure, you should take it easy at home and rest. This not only allows the swelling to reduce, but to ensure you get the best possible results from your treatment.
Below is a brief outline of what to expect after undergoing liposuction. However, this is general guidance and your personalised aftercare plan may vary depending on the area of the body being treated.


1. You will need to wear an elastic vest or clothing garment day and night for support and to assist healing.
2. You can have a shower but remember to put on your elastic supportive clothing afterwards.
3. You can increase your activity levels after a couple of days rest but may experience some discomfort when walking if liposuction was performed on your lower limbs.


1. Any non-dissolvable stitches will be removed in a follow up appointment where immediate results can also be observed.
2. Some patients return to work after 7-10 days rest.
3. You can engage in increased levels of activity providing that it does not feel strenuous.
4. Do not push yourself too early as it may compromise the final results.


1. Supportive clothing may not be needed and swelling and bruising will start to settle.
2. It is common to still experience some numbness even when swelling has gone.


1. Following liposuction, it is important to maintain a healthy weight so that it does not compromise your results.
2. After six months you will be able to see the complete full effects of your surgery and results may continue to show for up to twelve months post treatment.*


Liposuction, when performed correctly and precisely can be a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure with high rates of patient satisfaction. However, as the body suffers some level of trauma during surgery, there are some risks and side effects associated that all patients should be aware of.


* Bruising and swelling with some discomfort for up to a few weeks.
* Numbness around the area for a couple of weeks to months is normal.
* There will be some scarring at the incision site, but these will fade over a period of time.
* As fat settles, there may be uneven areas that may require further surgery.
* There is a chance patients may have to return to theatre if they experience excessive bleeding.
* General risks are Deep Vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and chest infection.


When it comes to liposuction cost, at Birmingham Beauty Clinic, we provide you with a transparent and all inclusive quotation, free from any hidden charges. The liposuction prices are provided after a free consultation and include all follow up fees and the facility fees as well. Prices are adjusted from single body area to multiple body area procedures.

liposuction Cost
Chin liposuction cost: start from £2200
Neck liposuction cost: start from £2200
Arm liposuction cost: start from £4500
Stomach liposuction cost: start from £5990
Love handles lipo cost: start from £2200
Thigh liposuction cost: start from £2200
Inner thigh liposuction cost start from £2200
Liposuction on legs cost: start from £2200
Full body liposuction cost: start from £8000
Male liposuction cost: start from £2200 for one area
Tummy tuck for men: start from £5990
Gynaecomastia (male chest reduction) from £5495

Speak with us for a personal FREE Consultation and to discuss a plan on the areas you wish to target.

Liposuction is generally a safe surgical method that is minimally invasive and provides successful results more often than not. This is a relatively straightforward surgery that yields excellent results and boosts confidence and self esteem in those who suffer from body negativity. However, like every surgery, when you opt for liposuction at the Birmingham Beauty Clinic, you are made aware of the various risks and the probable solutions that lie ahead.

The related problems to liposuction include bleeding, infection, swelling, numbness, scars, necrosis, and deformities. There might also be other problems related to anesthesia and muscle spasms.

Liposuction - Before and After Photos
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthetic depending on the extent of your treatment and the areas being targeted, so no pain is felt during surgery. If local anaesthetic is used, you will be awake for your treatment and may feel a sensation of tugging or moving under the skin.
Incisions used in liposuction are very small – about the width of the fingernail on your little finger. So scarring is minimal and your surgeon will always try to hide the incision in a natural skin fold or crease.
Both treatments come with pros and cons. Vaser is considered less invasive than suction assisted but can be more expensive. Suction assisted can be more effective at removing larger amounts of fat cells.
At Birmingham Beauty Clinic, consultations are carried out at our Birmingham clinic in Edgbaston with liposuction performed at our state of the art Manchester hospital. We work closely with Manchester Private Hospital and have patients from all over the West Midlands and North West England including; Birmingham, Manchester, Wolverhampton, Stoke-on-Trent, Macclesfield, Coventry and Stockport.
If you want to get rid of extra fat and feel more confident in your skin, liposuction is an excellent option for you! Make sure to get acquainted with the doctor and ask them all the questions you want before diving in.
Liposuction is generally a safe procedure that is minimally invasive, making it extra secure. The success rate of liposuction is very high.
Various body areas are treated with the help of a liposuction procedure. Those areas that are most under focus include abdomen, thighs, arms, legs. Other areas also include knees, flank and more.
You will need to wear a compression garment for about 1 to 2 months after the surgery is completed. Some antibiotics are also to be ingested to prevent infection. However, you can go back to work after a few days and resume normal activities.
It is advisable not to drive right after the surgery. However, you will be able to drive after a few weeks.

This liposuction page is for men and women who are looking for lipo surgery in Birmingham. Lipo can be used to remove small or large amounts of fat from areas of the body including; chest (man boobs), hips (love handles), thighs (saddlebags), face / neck (double-chin), ankles (cankles), stomach, arms (bingo wings) and more.

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